FHNW HGK Logo Radio Explorations

Selena Savic

Selena Savic

Selena Savić is a researcher and trained architect. Her research interests revolve around the mixture of computational processes with the built environment, exploring ways to communicate communication processes. After her PhD at EPFL and a postdoc at ATTP, TU Vienna, she joined the IXDM where she is currently Head of Make/Sense PhD Programme. She edited two books (Ghosts of Transparency, 2019 and Unpleasant Design, 2013) and writes about computational modeling, feminist hacking, and posthuman networks in the context of design and architecture.

Yann Patrick Martins

Yann Patrick Martins

Yann Patrick Martins is a coder and artist currently working at the IXDM. Despite his practice rooted in programming, his personal research looks at the ways in which capitalists mode of production and machine learning are re-enacting forms of inequality and discrimination. He also has pioneered a teaching programme at the Critical Media Lab Basel that links technological education and cooking practices since 2018.


The Radio explorations research project was generously supported by the SNF-Spark funding grant number 190310. We are grateful to our research workshops guests: Carl Colena (SIGID wiki), Miro Roman (ETHZ), Simone Conforti (IRCAM), Sarah Grant (Kunsthochschule Kassel) and Roberto Bottazzi (The Bartlett) for their invaluable inputs. Special gratitude goes to Miro Roman for numerous informative discussion on working with SOM and big data, as well as to Carl Colena for his support and discussions on radio signals beyond workshops and interviews.

Development by Computed By (using Hugo and Markdown)